Monday, March 24, 2008

Amped on pancakes and peppered-chicken

We've got one of these coming in the mail soon:

It's called a Griddler, which sounds like a cartoon character, but is actually a portal to a place I like to call "flavor country". It can either operate as a George Forman-esque dual-sided grill, or it opens up all the way and you can swap the plates to that it is a large, flat griddle. Non-stick, and the plates are machine washable. It's like this thing was designed for us.

Want a panini (fancy name for an expensive sandwich)? How about some pancakes? Hamburgers? Bacon? 6 chicken breasts covered with black pepper? WE CAN DO THAT.

This is going to be awesome. I'm going to make pancakes, and we will love our little griddler.


Lyz said...

We so should have gotten one of those. Instead we got an "indoor grill" that flips to a griddle. We use the griddle lots, but if I'm going to grill inside, I don't want to flip. We'll keep our old George Foreman for that.

Maybe our new house will have room for both!

. said...




(not feeling very creative at the moment. my co-worker mandy would call this an "artistic fart")

Elaine said...

You & Kate will make and eat fond memories. Think of all the quality time sitting around the griddler holding hands while making edible delights, morning noon and nights. I should remember not to publish posts while I'm feeling tired punchy. How can I help it...the GRRRiddler is GRRReat!

Aaron said...

Lyz: I remember you telling me about that when I visited, so when I saw the griddler I was all "This is PERFECT!" Thanks!