Monday, March 3, 2008

Hypocrite Alert

So, totally recanting a post. This weekend, we bought Guitar Hero for Wii, now that it is in stock again. So. Much. Fun.

Kate is even enjoying it, which is good because she never played the real guitar. She is slowly working her way through the beginner songs. Once she learns to relax when playing, I think she will do even better. Right now she says her hands hurt from playing, which is really a bad sign when you are playing the easiest, slowest songs on Beginner.

If you have this game, and a Wii, you should send me your Online player ID# so that we can play online. That would be dope. Also, somebody will have to visit us and bring a guitar controller so that we can unlock the remaining songs.

Work sucks, they make me come in like-a ev-er-y day. Nobody will get that reference.

Take it easy, internets.


Lyz said...

Tell Kate (Yes, I know she has a blog too, but YOU brought it up...)

My hands hurt too. I read somewhere that the "fret board" for the Wii version is smaller than the Playstation one, which I have also played and don't remember any discomfort (that's such a medical word...yuck.)

I think guy's hands are big enough that they can just relax them and be fine, but WE have to hold our hands in a weird position to get on the right keys.

To relax while playing: Rock out.

nydampress said...

I was sure I wasn't crazy. Also it should be noted that Aaron ROLLED HIS EYES at me when I said I needed the guitar to be set up left handed.
He badgered me into doing it like everyone else (you know, so that he wouldn't have to mess with the settings in the game. I know the real reason Aaron!). So that's what I have been doing.

Sure I haven't ever played a guitar, but at first it just felt off ya know. Damn you right handed people and all your right handed ways!!

Aaron said...

I maintain that a left-handed person actually has an advantage playing the guitar right-handed... either that or it makes no difference. Either the intricate finger movements are easier for left-handed folk, or there is NO REASON to swap it.

Lyz said...

We just got the wireless guitar - you know, so you can play against each other & stuff.

I LOVE the phrase "and stuff".